. dodging poles is a must and adds to the challenge. Aaron had it wired.
. the mini ramp. fun.
. back of mini.
. when it is not wet. it rules.
. AAron says ,"want to go to the beach to skate this park under a pier type thing i made. it is really wacky". Ray replies, "count me in".
.after her skate career was done with, she had this trophy.
.ran into this Indian striking a pose. Michele tried to cop a feel to see if his buns were nice.
. this shirt was buy his shop. was going to buy it and turned around 10 minutes later and it was gone. DAMN.
. Aaron of big fish fresh hesh skateshop at work. anyone headn' down that way, stop in!
. sometimes skaters are skaters and Aaron asked this non skater to make a sign for his shop. the trucks look perfect. perfectly wrong!!!!! he left it up for a good laugh.
. no stop down south his complete without a stop at Bojangles.
went away with Michele a few weeks ago to visit my friend Aaron / big fish fresh hesh skateshop owner and his family in Myrtle Beach. good times were had. weather was sick. driving thru the south is a reminder that i should FLY!
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