Sunday, March 22, 2009


*this is fucking bacon!*
*french toast with slabs of bacon. *
*close up. i know, let's go this week!*
*waffles and ice cream? don't mind if i do.*

what a day Saturday was. we were waiting for friends from drunkdriver to come down and eat breakfast at one of the best spots in the whole area.they ran into severe hangovers and couldn't make it. michele and i went anyway. the atmosphere and especially being at a rod and gun club type place, you can't go wrong. as you are getting out of your cars, you hear guns going off and then it just sets in.

you are at the Powderbourne.

Michele and i ate one of the best breakfasts in awhile. i suggest trying to find this place. it is out there in the woods.

1 comment:

the Virginville Film Institute said...

where is this place. email me or else. i have a bunch of muzzleloaders.